Below you will find articles that cover topics related to public records and statistics for higher education in the USA.
Information on the various sources of education records that are available to the general public. Also an overview of what kinds of information is available and potential places to look for additional statistics.
Students at colleges and universities across the United States are getting higher marks than ever before. The trend has been heading in that direction for some time now. The worst part is they seem to be getting these higher grades without working any harder than previous generations. Are kids smarter and better able to adapt in the modern age or is this just a case of grade inflation?
Most people can agree that education should be a high priority for virtually everyone. Given that most of society views it as something of high value, what are we doing to make sure we create quality teachers? Here is some interesting data on teachers and the teaching profession.
Now there is a place to help you find out more information about the various public colleges and universities out there. There is a wide variety of statistics and data available on the various higher education systems across the country. Sometimes the data is collected nationally and sometimes it is local to each state. We provide our analysis of the education data that is available on higher education systems in the USA.
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